Greg Lankenau

Not Your Ordinary Data Scientist

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About Me

About Me

Hi, I’m Greg, and I’m not your ordinary data scientist.

I’m a professional educator with years of experience as a university instructor and assistant professor, which means that I know how to communicate complex ideas in simple terms. I have an English minor with an emphasis in creative writing, so I know how to tell engaging stories, whether those stories are told through creative fiction or data science reports. I’ve taught college-level public speaking and know how to speak and present effectively, including how not to put audiences to sleep with technical information. (Which I know would never happen with an audience as sophisticated as you, right? Hey, are you still there? Hello?)

I’m a PhD researcher with training in quantitative methods, qualitative methods, and computational methods, which means that I know how to ask questions in a variety of ways and find reliable answers. My area of focus is environmental sustainability, and working towards a more just and sustainable world provides my work with meaning and fuels my passion for what I do. I would love to carry over this environmental focus into data science.

I’m a “Renaissance person” with a varied background and a wide set of skills and interests, which means that I can communicate effectively across domains to reach different audiences. I have graduate or undergraduate degrees in computer science, mathematics, systems science, women’s studies, and geography. Outside of data science, I enjoy playing poker, board games, and sports like basketball and ultimate Frisbee where tallness confers a commanding advantage (I’m 6’4”). I also like to have fun doing what I do, which (hopefully) is reflected in this portfolio sprinkled with (potentially) interesting stories and a dash of (now I’m really pushing it) humor.

Here’s a photo of me doing tall person things:

Photo of me playing ultimate Frisbee

Resume and Contact Info

For a resume of sorts, see my Skills, Certificates, and Awards page.

You can contact me at LinkedIn.

The Take-Away Message

To complement my technical skills as a data scientist, I am also a teacher, a researcher, a communicator, and an interesting (?) person. Thank you for viewing my portfolio!